Tuesday, January 14, 2014

8 English- Science Investigation

Goal:  To create a science lesson using the curriculum documents (outside of the text book).

Attendance:  Jake Allcock, Robert Dunlop


-  Looked a current program and how Jake is covering his material.
-  Wanted to make sure that all concepts were connecting to curriculum documents.
-  Noticed that document was not lining up directly too curriculum.
-  Discuss the importance of looking at the verbs in the curriculum to guide our instruction.
-  Decided to pick an expectation and create a lab based directly on a curriculum expectation.
-  This was the expectation that we choose.  Did not address this in text book.

-  We wanted to do something more hand on, away from the text book, so we decided to create a scientific investigation for this.
- We watched video on youtube and looked up online lessons
-  Check out to see what materials we had in the school
-  Then created this.

Density of a Liquid Investigation

Purpose: To build a hydrometer and explore the density with regards to liquids.

Materials: straw, clay, water, beaker, spoon, measuring, spoon


  1. Using the clay provided, seal off one end of the straw so that water is unable to seep through.

  1. Fill the graduated cylinder up to 200 ml using the water provided.

Note: The water will form an arc curve called a meniscus. Read your water level from the
bottom of this arc.

  1. Place your straw in the water, sealed side down. You want the open end of the straw no more than 2.5 cm from the top of the container. You will need to cut the straw and add enough weight in clay to allow the straw to stand straight up.

  1. Carefully remove your hydrometer from the water, pinching it where the water meets the air. Draw a red line to indicate the beginning water level (zero). Now that your hydrometer is calibrated for “pure” water, mark lines above and below this line that are 1mm apart using a different coloured marker.

Note: Each line above the red line will be noted at +1, each line below the red line will be noted
-1 (on the chart below).

  1. With the calibrated hydrometer out of the water, add 5 ml of salt to the water and stir until salt is dissolved. Place the hydrometer back into the beaker and observe and record the changes in level of the hydrometer on the chart below. Repeat these steps for the follow amounts of salt provided in the chart.

Grams of Salt Added
Change in Level






Guided Questions: Use the Particle Theory discussed in class to help you answer the questions

  1. Explain your observations and why you think that this happened each time you added salt.

  1. Could you make connection from what you observed in this this experiment to something that
    you have experienced in your life?

If the experiment was to continue, eventually the salt would no longer dissolve into the water.
  1. Why do you think that this is? (Remember to use particle theory)
  1. If we were to boil the salt water in your experiment until all of the water was gone you would
    be left with salt in the beaker. Why? ( Remember to use particle theory)

Once we tried and completed this experiment.  We discuss how this would be assessed using a rubric that would be created off the success criteria.

I showed and explain the success criteria that Jack and I created and offer to set up for him in his classroom and he needed help