Wednesday, February 12, 2014

5Mac Social studies and Success Criteria

Goal:  To co-create success criteria together in a social studies activity

Attendance:  Martine MacKenzie, Robert Dunlop, Erica Poor


-  discussed where she was at with regards to her PD learning
-  said she was very interested in extending her learning regarding Success Criteria and Learning Goals
-  we looked at where she was at in each of her subject and the best fit to see this co-created with the class.
-  she wanted to focus on social studies so we look through the curriculum to decide which expectations to do.
-  we decided to use a cross curricular approach which will cover both Social Studies and English.
-  This was she could teach the social studies in French and the students could do letter writing in English.

-  Once we selected our curriculum expectations, we created a learning goal and unpacked our success criteria for practice.

See below

Learning Goal:  To write a formal letter to the government that effectively presents a
                              solution to an issue that affects them.

-  3 paragraphs
-  must be to government official
-  must have greeting/salutation
-  follows a template

Social Studies (B1.2, B1.3)
- realistic
-  specific
-  innovative/creatice
-  well thought out
-  measurable  ???
-  cost effective

Purpose/Organization (1.1 & 1.5)
- clear and concise
- rationale should be backed up with  
- each paragraph has a specific purpose
- narrow focus

Day One: Hook Lesson (100 min.)
-  We will start co-teaching.  Interrupted by Mario
-  One week extension to school year for just us.
-  I’ll take over, past experience
-  What are we going to do?  Most effective means to communicate?
-   Select letter – What would our arguments be -  brainstorming.
-   Discuss what should be in the letter -  issue, how we can solve it. 
-   Discuss how this should be organized into graphs
-  Break into groups and write letter to present to Mr. Zeoli (time limit)

Day Two:  Set Up Success Criteria
-  Look back at examples and critique (effective critism) – Gallery walk
-  present learning goal to class
-  Unpack (Rob)

Day Three:  Mini Lesson
-  Format and structure of letter
-  Square
-  Each paragraph needs a specific purpose (multiple points)
-  Give another opportunity in groups.  Give them a topic or article, write a letter.  Perhaps in language.
-  Give them the purpose of the each paragraph  (Address issue, create a plan,

Day Four:  Evaluate letter using success criteria
-  each group will peer evaluate others groups using the set out success criteria.
-  Discuss with class
-  You set up and give out final assignment – Letter to government

Monday, February 3, 2014

Grade 7 Measurement Unit Planning

Goal: To backward design a measurement unit for a grade seven class.

Attendance:  Denise Ibey, Robert Dunlop

-  Wanted to really focus unit off the curriculum and weed out unnecessary teaching-  Review curriculum
-  Decided to focus on measurement conversions and area of composite shapes and trapezoids.
-  Will focus on volume more in term three.

Here are the lessons/investigations that we created for this unit.