Friday, April 25, 2014

Co-Teach Minecraft

Goal:  To continue to Co-Teach minecraft unit with 5M

Attendance:  Lee Martin, Rob Dunlop


-  Based on co-planning earlier in the year, we would be introducing this project and recording evidence of it success for the upcoming Connect Conference
-  due to complication with getting Minecraft on the computers this unit was delayed until now.
-  series of subtask we taught in the classroom to introduce the ideas of area and perimeter.
-  Also, student we given intro task to help them explore and create using mine craft using a scientific investigation approach

-  Success criteria was created by Lee
-  Students were brought into the lab and given their investigation

-  As students worked, Rob captured evidence on their work for website that was being create.
-  Green screen interview we conducted and made into video presented on the website