Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Grade 7 (French Immersion)

Focus- Integrating Critical Inquiry Throughout the Curriculum (Specifically Geography)

Attendance- Kevin, Danny, Stephen, Melissa, Mario, Brad, Rob

  •  Set boundaries for TFL process
  •  Goal is to create a permanent change in teacher practice
  •  Discussed why they wanted to look at critical inquiry and critical thinking
  •  Critical literacy was put forth and explored as another possibility
  •  Looked at evidence they have seen from their students to suggest this was where they should focus
  • Attempted to clarify difference between inquiry and critical thinking
  • Discussed that they wanted to use geography as the platform for teaching using an inquiry method.
  • Based on more discussion with regards to the language piece and time constraints in Geography, decided to integrate into Language Arts.
  • Decided we wanted a clearer understanding of where their greatest need was in this area. So we decided to create an opening task (diagnostic)
  • Melissa presented TC2 resource as a possible start point. 
  • Group selected "The Explain the Image" lesson
  • Reviewed the lesson.  Agreed to all bring in image for next week to base the lesson off.
Next Step:  Bring in image for the Explain the Image Lesson
                  Co-Teach lesson 
                  Analyze data

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