Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Goal: To create a critical challenge using Minecraft to teach measurement expectations

Attendance: Lee Martin, Rob Dunlop, Brad Mayhew


- Lee justified the significance of using Minecraft in the classroom. Showed an online example that motivated him to undertake this initiative.

- Lee explained the set up for MindcraftEDU and the development of 'Mods'.

- Through discussion, we decided we wanted to create a cross curricular (math/social science) critical thinking task. We decided to create the seigneurial system in New France as an extension to the material being covered in social science.

- To get a better understanding of Minecraft, a grade 5 students came to answer several questions and demonstrate some of the tools used in the program.

- Based on what we learned from the student, we decided that we would focus on the measurement unit. In particular, investigations involving perimeter and area of rectangles and squares.

- We discussed the pedagogical approach we wanted to use. We decided to use the scientific investigation approach for our culminating assignment.

- We developed the purpose and materials and worked on developing the procedures.  As well, we started to explore different guided questions.
-  Click here to see the rough draft for the scientific investigation.
Next steps:
-  to further develop the investigation, create our learning goals and success criteria and to discuss how we would set up this culminating task

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