Sunday, November 24, 2013

Science Report Success Criteria (8FI)

Goal:  To transfer success criteria to anchor chart and rubric

Attendance:  Jack, Rob

-  Discussed co-construction of success criteria
-  Discussed the important of placement in room and the fact that it is a 'live' document, that needs to
   change as labs evolve.
-  Looked a different ways to layout the anchor chart
-  Jack had a creative idea for design
-  Decided to make the first anchor chart in English and then transfer to French one the students fully understand the criteria
-  Created the anchor chart (rough copy), Jack wants to create a final good copy.

-  Then worked on transferring success criteria to rubric
-  Discussed checklist as a method to help with feedback
-  Discussed how each lab needs to link to curriculum and that is what they are being assessed on.
-  Finished Rubric (below)

-  Discussed how to model use of success criteria in large group and small group instruction

Next Steps:
-  He will model how to write up a lab using success criteria
-  He will have students use this lab to peer assess other groups work
-  We will meet up to discuss how this went and refine if necessary

Co-Teach Success Criteria (8FI)

Focus:  To co-create success criteria for science lab report through co-teaching 

Attendance:  Jack, Rob, Brad Mario

-  Opened class discussing the purpose of working together to create this criteria
-  Showed a video to engage students in the lesson.  See video below.

-  Related the video to making observations and tied that into how that relates to a science lab.
-  Pulled out different components of a science lab (purpose, hypothesis, materials, procedure, observations, results, conclusion).
-  Asked students to put on their 'teacher hats' and determine which of the above they felt would be the best to assess to demonstrate understanding of the concepts being investigated. 
-  Student selected Observations, Results and Conclusion, which aligned perfectly with projected learning goal.
-  Posted Learning Goal:  To effectively use scientific observations, during an experiment, to analyze results and develop a strong conclusion.
- Through looking at examples and discussion about previous two labs, we co-constructed the success criteria.  We focused on observations, results and conclusion.
-  At the end, we came up with 3 success criteria, unpacked on the Smartboard.

Next Steps:
-  Transfer success criteria from Smart Notebook to chart paper (anchor chart)
-  Create a rubric using the success criteria
-  Model use of success criteria in a lab

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Science (Grade 8 PI)

Focus-  Incorporating Learning Goals and Success Criteria in science

Attendance:  Jack and Rob


  • Met with high school science teacher to discuss current expectations and format for lab reports.
  • They do not do formal reports, however they have student focus on observations, results and conclusions.
  • Helped us get a clearer understanding of these three elements of a report and gave example of what they are looking for and how they assess it.
  • Also, talked about the rationale behind this.  Focus more on the skill of analysing the data and application of information.
  • Revisited our past learning goal and success criteria and realized that it needed to be changed based on new information and understanding.  Discussed how this need to be a live document that changes as more information is presented. 
  • Decided that we should reword our learning goal to include observations, results and conclusions.
  • Decided to backward design our success criteria based on what it is we expect to see.  
  • Discussed the different between observations and results and developed specific success criteria and requirements for each.
  • As well, looked a example of good results and selected the aspects that we thought we important and added them to our success criteria and learning goals.
  • Once happy with this, we solidified our choice of labs and agreed to co-teach next day 3 to two different classes and then debrief afterwards.  
  • He wanted to know how this could fit into math as well.  We discussed creating learning goals and success criteria for communication of mathematical ideas and for problem solving.

Next Step:  
  • Jack will administer lab diagnostic prior to day 3
  • We will look at this together to see how it fits with our success criteria and potentially make adjustments
  • Co-teach lesson on developing success criteria with the students 
  • Create an anchor chart with examples that can be used to reference for other labs throughout this unit and others.

Learning Goals and Success Criteria Brainstorm

Monday, November 4, 2013

Science (Grade 8 FI)

Focus:  Incorporating Learning Goals and Success Criteria into the Science Curriculum

Attendance:  Jack, Rob


  • Decided we wanted to meaningfully connect learning goals and success criteria into science lessons
  • Discussed current unit (Substances) and where he was at in this unit.
  • Cross referenced material he was using with curriculum to see where we should go next
  • Decided it would be helpful to have Success Criteria for lab write ups.
  • Wanted to ensure consistency with high school
  • Contacted Anthony Siriani at AN Myer to create high school liaison
  • Discussed how it would be important to separate success criteria from requirements, especially in lab reports
  • Anthony return call and filled us in on how it looks in high school.  Main focus on Observations and Conclusion.  Moved away from formal lab report write ups.
  • With this information, decided that this would be our focus as well.  We wanted to create success criteria for just the observations and the conclusions.
  • Consulted Smarter Science Resource for ideas.
  • Developed a learning goal:  To effectively use observations to support or reject hypothesis into a strong conclusion.  
  • Brainstormed what a good observation should look like using example reports (ie.  Different ways of presenting data, accuracy, and detail)
  • Brainstormed what a strong conclusion looks like (present most important information, clear explanation, relate to why this is important).
  • Pulled apart requirements for each.  
  • Discussed how we plan to teach this.  Decided to give them a lab to do with minimal guidance as a diagnostic.  Use these reports (chart paper), to help pull out some of the success criteria and guide them towards creating stronger observations and conclusions.  Have then revisit their lab using the success criteria and use feedback to improve it.  Then do another lab that will allow them to practice this again.  We were thinking for using an online lab to have students do this independently. 
Next Steps:
  • To connect with high school teacher on Wednesday to get a clearer picture of what this looks like in high school
  • Select a lab to complete as a diagnostic and one to complete as a practice.

Rough Draft
Grade Eight Science
Lab Assessment

Learning Goal: To effectively use scientific observations, during an experiment, to develop a strong

Success Criteria: Able to select the most appropriate way of displaying data recorded
Able to accurately collect and record data
Able to make specific and detailed observations throughout lab
Requirements: Must present all finding from experiment
Must carefully following the procedures in order

Success Criteria: Able to clearly explain understanding of the main findings of the lab
Able to pull out the most important findings from the lab
Able to relate importance of the finding to real world situations

Requirements: Must accept/refute hypothesis
Must create a summary of findings
Must answer guided Questions