Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Science (Grade 8 PI)

Focus-  Incorporating Learning Goals and Success Criteria in science

Attendance:  Jack and Rob


  • Met with high school science teacher to discuss current expectations and format for lab reports.
  • They do not do formal reports, however they have student focus on observations, results and conclusions.
  • Helped us get a clearer understanding of these three elements of a report and gave example of what they are looking for and how they assess it.
  • Also, talked about the rationale behind this.  Focus more on the skill of analysing the data and application of information.
  • Revisited our past learning goal and success criteria and realized that it needed to be changed based on new information and understanding.  Discussed how this need to be a live document that changes as more information is presented. 
  • Decided that we should reword our learning goal to include observations, results and conclusions.
  • Decided to backward design our success criteria based on what it is we expect to see.  
  • Discussed the different between observations and results and developed specific success criteria and requirements for each.
  • As well, looked a example of good results and selected the aspects that we thought we important and added them to our success criteria and learning goals.
  • Once happy with this, we solidified our choice of labs and agreed to co-teach next day 3 to two different classes and then debrief afterwards.  
  • He wanted to know how this could fit into math as well.  We discussed creating learning goals and success criteria for communication of mathematical ideas and for problem solving.

Next Step:  
  • Jack will administer lab diagnostic prior to day 3
  • We will look at this together to see how it fits with our success criteria and potentially make adjustments
  • Co-teach lesson on developing success criteria with the students 
  • Create an anchor chart with examples that can be used to reference for other labs throughout this unit and others.

Learning Goals and Success Criteria Brainstorm

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