Sunday, November 24, 2013

Co-Teach Success Criteria (8FI)

Focus:  To co-create success criteria for science lab report through co-teaching 

Attendance:  Jack, Rob, Brad Mario

-  Opened class discussing the purpose of working together to create this criteria
-  Showed a video to engage students in the lesson.  See video below.

-  Related the video to making observations and tied that into how that relates to a science lab.
-  Pulled out different components of a science lab (purpose, hypothesis, materials, procedure, observations, results, conclusion).
-  Asked students to put on their 'teacher hats' and determine which of the above they felt would be the best to assess to demonstrate understanding of the concepts being investigated. 
-  Student selected Observations, Results and Conclusion, which aligned perfectly with projected learning goal.
-  Posted Learning Goal:  To effectively use scientific observations, during an experiment, to analyze results and develop a strong conclusion.
- Through looking at examples and discussion about previous two labs, we co-constructed the success criteria.  We focused on observations, results and conclusion.
-  At the end, we came up with 3 success criteria, unpacked on the Smartboard.

Next Steps:
-  Transfer success criteria from Smart Notebook to chart paper (anchor chart)
-  Create a rubric using the success criteria
-  Model use of success criteria in a lab

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